
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Baby Kynlee is Here!!!

It has been forever since I have updated my blog, but I'm sure everyone can figure out why. Kynlee decided to make an appearance 3 weeks early. I had a feeling she would be early, but not this early. Last Thursday, July 1st, I called my doctor because things were just feeling weird, and she decided to have me come in the get checked. We weren't expecting what she told us. Apparently, my water had partially ruptured the night before, and my doctor wanted to send me to labor and delivery to induce me to prevent the spread of infection. Corey was supposed to go to work that night, and my last day of work wasn't supposed to be until the next week, we never imagined that she would be coming so early. We weren't even packed for the hospital yet, so we went home to pack our bags as quickly as possible. I hadn't showered, so of course I took the time to get in the shower and dry my hair, then pack and put the car seat in the car, it was so frantic. We got to the hospital about 7pm, and after 7 tries at putting an IV in my arm, was induced with pitocin about an hour later. I was given some medicine to help me sleep, but hours later I was checked by the nurse and didn't sleep a wink, so I was given another dose, but that didn't help either. I don't know if I was anxious or uncomfortable with all of the wires that I was hooked up to. I was feeling slight contractions over night, but never anything severe. The next day was about the same as the night before. Corey was telling me when I was having contractions because I wasn't feeling anything. I was always so terrified of getting pitocin because I heard how terrible it makes labor, but after 18 hours I didn't even dilate, and contractions never got stronger, so they decided to give me a c-section because of the increased risk of infection to the baby. I was so nervous to have a cesarean because of the fact that my stomach would be cut wide open while I was conscious. When they took me into the room, it was exactly like it looks on tv and in the movies. It was cold, and everyone looked the exact same in the surgical gear. It took everything I had not to freak out when I was getting my spinal block, especially because a student training for her masters was giving it to me. I finally calmed down when Corey walked in. After about 10 minutes, the nurse standing next to me told me she would be here in about 30 seconds. I can't describe how anxious I was. This is going to sound weird to some people, but even though I took the pregnancy test, saw the ultrasound, heard the heartbeat, and saw my stomach grow, I still had a hard time imagining that there was a tiny human being growing inside of me. I just knew I was going to get to the hospital and the doctors would give me strange looks because there was never really a baby at all. But when they when I heard her cry, and they showed her to me over the sheet, it all hit me and seemed so real. I've never been so happy, it's like nothing I could ever describe. It was so funny to see Corey, he cried more than Kynlee did. When they were checking her and stitching me back up, I was finally hit with a wave of exhaustion. I was fighting sleep while they finished up on the operating table. They took us back to the recovery room, and I had to fight everything in me to stay awake. They kept monitoring when I got feeling back in my legs, and they showed me how to nurse her for the first time, all while I was trying to stay awake. We were taken up the mother/baby unit around 8:15. Visiting hours ended at 8:30 so of course the family wanted to see her before they had to leave, and we had to have our education done by the nurse, then Kynlee was given a bath. Finally around 2:30 the nurse left us to get some sleep. You would think after 24 hours of no sleep I would pass out, but I was so scared of being left with a newborn it was so hard to sleep. I have never even held a baby, and there we were left alone with no experience and a little life to take care of. We dozed in and out, but were stirred awake with every little sound or movement. Finally 9am came, and our parents were allowed to come back in making us feel a lot less nervous. But by that point I had gone without sleep since Wednesday night, and everytime I tried to take a nap I was too exhausted to sleep. By the end of that night I was able to get up and walk around just a little, and love on my baby girl. I was discharged on Monday, but Kynlee had lost 11.5% of her birth weight so they wanted to keep her over night, and we were allowed to stay with her. Finally on Tuesday, after 5 days of being in the hospital, we were allowed to go home. It's been amazing having her here. It was also amazing taking a huge nap after getting about 12 hours of sleep in 5 days. This is such a long post, and my baby girl is demanding I feed her so I will continue to update about our past week a little later tonight =)

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