
Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Shakedown

Every night when Corey calls telling me he's on his way home from work, I begin the shakedown. What is it? I'm glad you asked. The shakedown happens between the time Corey calls, and the 15 minutes it takes for him to get home. I enter into a crazy cleanin momma mode, running all over the apartment straightening up before he gets home so it looks like I have been super mom while he's been gone. I revealed "the shakedown" to him one night, and ever since then whenever we are running short on time, we say it's shakedown time.

It's getting close to the end of the semester and it is now officially shakedown time. We have the day off tomorrow for Good Friday, and next week we only have 3 days of school before exams begin. This semester has gone by so fast, I can't believe it's almost over!

I wish I was graduating with the rest of my class but I will be following soon in December. Even though I hardly get to see my friends up here, I'm really going to miss the moments I do get to see everyone. It's sad to think of the people that are graduating and leaving Boone. It could possibly be the last time I see them :( I know we'll mean well and try to see each other, but we will all have such busy lives there is no guarantee. My group of friends greatly diminished once I became a mother, but a few remained and they are now graduating. My old roommates, Brook and Kelsey, are very busy just like me, and even though we didn't get see much of each other this past year, I know they would be there for me if I needed them. I love you guys, congratulations on graduating and good luck, you both are so smart, and you're going to do awesome things!
{Love you too Alex :)}

Whenever people leave I get really sentimental. I start to think about how much my life has changed, and where it's going. I feel like I should still be a teenager in high school waiting for school to be over so I can go play a softball game. But here I am, 22, about to graduate college and I'm married with a baby. Life sure does know how to throw curve balls doesn't it?

If I think this year has been crazy, I can't imagine where I'll be next year. It's shakedown time to decide on our plans after graduation. I feel like there will always be a shakedown. For school, for jobs, for life! I wish everything would just slow down for a bit. That's not going to happen, so I need to accept the fact that time and people are always changing, and I have to go with it, or I'll find myself getting behind.

So again, congratulations friends. I'm so happy for you. Good luck on the shakedown towards the end of the semester, and I wish you guys the best after graduation!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Don't Hate Me!

the blog has been down the past two days, and as you can see it's completely different! somehow things got very messed up, so i figured it was a good time to give it a face lift. I also changed the name...again...i know, i know. like i said don't hate me, i was just never truly happy with it, and now i am! i had a few other options though. at the top of the list were- "mama needs a drink", or "the mama with baby that never sleeps".

only kidding! but that completely describes my life lately, but more of that in my next post. hope you don't take it to hard that i changed things up. i think i like it better this way, don't you?!

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Tongue of Legend

you've all heard about it. you've all seen it. the tongue. 

this has been her trademark since birth. 

there is the one month old tongue

...the 2 month tongue

...3 months

it miraculously disappeared for month 4 for a temporary replacement...the finger

the finger was still winning for month 5

this month also begins the signature blank expression

the blank stare really took off the 6th month..

...and the drool

...she was also a dog in her former life

i thought by 7 months it had been long enough without a tongue sighting that we wouldn't see it anymore. just the usual suspect..

...and then it happened
the tongue, duh duh duh

oh the tongue

now, at 9 months, it's unstoppable.

it's there when she smiles,

it's there when she cries,'s even there when she poops.

in the end, i must admit it is pretty freakin cute.

let's just hope it goes away in the next year....or not. she'll look real cute with her tongue sticking out in her prom picture. 

on a side note, i misspelled tongue every single time. oh well. 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

I registered a few weeks ago for my last semester ever! I only have two classes, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It's a pretty awesome schedule.  My major also requires me to complete 320 hours of an internship which is basically 8 weeks, 40 hours a week. I was really hoping I wouldn't have to stay an extra semester just to complete it, but I was lucky enough to work something out where I used to work to get an internship that will work around my class schedule. I'll be working at a wellness center where I will be doing various jobs like fitness testing, leading fitness classes, working with a kids program you get the idea. Basically I need to get my butt back in shape before August.

With my coursework dwindling down, graduation is getting closer and closer. Which means the hubs and I need to make decisions and start finding ourselves a j-o-b with a capital J. Let me tell you, there are some BIG, ginormous decisions being made in the Moser house right now. I hate making decisions :( I don't wanna grow upppp :(  sorry, had to get that out, enough whining.

I don't want to share too much because we haven't sorted everything out, but among other things we have to figure out where the heck we're going to live! That, by itself, is a difficult decision. We both have family in different parts of the state, and then some jobs would require us to be in a completely different area. It's all so overwhelming, and I still have 8 months until I graduate, even though I know that time will fly by.

I'm just happy this semester is coming to a close. It's been a rough one. Definitely the most challenging out of my four years of college. Even though I have a few summer courses, I am so excited to spend the summer with my Kynlee bear.

...who hates sitting in the grass by the way

I'm so excited to take her to the beach, and we're going to get a pool pass and be lazy bums all summer. Can I just say baby bathing suits are to.die.for.

 First I have to finish the last two weeks of school and finals...

...i think i can
...i think i can

I'm not good at smoothly concluding my blog posts...can you tell?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The week that never dies

If you read my last post, then I'm sure you understand why I haven't blogged in a while. I thought I would be able to breath a little easier after my Chemistry exam today because I was supposed to only have one more paper to do after that....well, I obviously wasn't looking past Wednesday on my planner.

After I finish two more papers, an English essay exam, my last lab report ever, and my lab final on Monday, I will be back to the blogging world :) promise!

Here's a few sweet pictures to get you by until then

When I have just pulled an all-nighter studying for my Chemistry exam, I found it necessary to drag out the old swing. It still has it's magical powers :)

Friday, April 1, 2011

And Then She Snapped

I'm hoping to begin a photography course this summer, and I'm really excited about it. I have no clue where it will take me, but I'm eager to learn. 
I wanted to share a little bit about my second "unofficial" photoshoot with Kynlee, for a weekly photo competition. She is the perfect little model, and the subject of all my crazy ideas. She probably thinks Mommy has the camera permanently attached to her head. 

I was lucky to be able to use this one right off the camera with no editing necessary. My apartment has a huge window which provides awesome lighting. I will admit she looks a little ghostly, and I probably should have lowered the exposure a bit, but I'm still pretty happy with it. 
Yes those are my legs. You should have seen the pictures I took before I realized the way I was standing made me look like an idiot, so I finally fixed my stance and got this awesome shot. I had the camera on continuous shooting, because I was shooting blind, and has a very wiggly baby. 

I hope to share a new favorite picture every week as I learn more!

Participating in 
and then, she {snapped}


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